By Dawns Early Light Torrent


Psalm 4. 6 4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. A river. Heb., n har, i. By Dawns Early Light Torrent' title='By Dawns Early Light Torrent' />By Dawns Early Light TorrentPlainly, then, the Cedron is not here alluded to. But many commentators think Siloam is intended. See Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. Isaiah 1. 2 3 Ezekiel 4. John 7 3. 7. There may not, however, be any such local allusion. The river, flowing calmly and smoothly along, may be only a symbol of the peace and blessing of the Divine presence, as the tumult and tempest of the sea in the last verse are of the worlds noisy troubles. Indeed, the LXX. comp. Prayer Book version seems to connect the river of this verse with the waters of the preceding. Streams. See Note on Psalm 1 3, where the same word occurs. Verse 4. There is a river, the streamswhereof shall make glad the city of God. Sundstrom-634x1024.jpg' alt='By Dawns Early Light Torrent' title='By Dawns Early Light Torrent' />By Dawns Early Light TorrentIn contrast with the scene of tumult and disturbance in the world at large, which the writer has presented to us in vers. God, threatened, indeed, by the nations, but undismayed by them, and calmly trusting in the protection of the God who is in the midst of her. To this city he assigns a river, the streams whereof make her glad imagery in which we may recognize the perennial fountain of Gods grace that pure river of water of life, which, welling forth from the throne of God and of the Lamb, continually refreshes and gladdens the Church of Christ Revelation 2. Jerusalem. The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High comp. Psalm 4. 3 3. The direct application is, of course, to the earthly Jerusalem, which the armies of Sennacherib were threatening. The Advanced Ebook Processor. There is a river. The allusion is either to the river Kidron, which ran by Jerusalem or to the waters of Shiloah, which by different courses and branches, ran through the city of Jerusalem, and supplied the several parts of it with water, to the joy and comfort of its inhabitants but the words are to be understood in a figurative sense, as applicable to Gospel times and this river either designs the Gospel, the streams of which are its doctrines, which are living waters that went out from Jerusalem, and which publish glad tidings of great joy to all sensible sinners or the Spirit and his graces, which are compared to a well, and rivers of living water, in the exercise of which the saints have much joy and peace or else the Lord himself, who is a place of broad rivers and streams to his people, and is both their refreshment and protection or rather his everlasting love to them is here intended see Psalm 3. The head of this river is the heart of God, his sovereign goodwill and pleasure the channel through which it runs is Christ Jesus the rise of it was in eternity, when, like a river that runs underground, it flowed secretly, as it does before the effectual calling when it breaks up, and appears in large streams, and flows, and so it proceeds running on to all eternity. Psalm 4645. There is a river, the streams whereof make glad the city The church, of God Which cheer, refresh, and comfort her, and that at a time when the. Dawns-Early-Light-1-e1435719094627.jpg' alt='By Dawns Early Light Torrent' title='By Dawns Early Light Torrent' />It is a river that is unfathomable, and cannot be passed over it has heights and depths, and lengths and breadths, which cannot be fully comprehended as for the quality of it, it is a pure river, clear as crystal free of all dissimulation in the heart of God, and clear of all motives and conditions in the creature. Its water is living water which quickens dead sinners, revives drooping saints, secures from the second death, and gives eternal life it makes all fruitful about it, or that are planted by it the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God the streams of this river are eternal election the covenant of grace its blessings and promises the provision and mission of Christ as a Saviour, and redemption by him justification, pardon, adoption, regeneration, perseverance in grace, and eternal life called streams, because they flow from the fountain of divine love and because of the rapidity, force, and power of the grace of God, in the application of them in conversion, which carries all before it and because of the abundance, continuance, and freeness of them, and the gratefulness and acceptableness of them to those who see the worth of them, and their interest in them see Sol 4 1. Gods people under a sense of sin and guilt, under divine desertions, the temptations of Satan, and the various afflictions they meet with for these are intended by the city of God, as the church is often called, because of his building, and where he dwells, and where the saints are fellow citizens. And the same are signified by the holy place being an holy temple to God, consisting of holy persons, such who are sanctified by the Spirit of God, and live holy lives and conversations and of the tabernacles of the most High being the dwelling places of God, Father, Son, and Spirit. All which is a reason why the saints should not fear in the worst of times. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved God shall help her, and that right early. Bible verses about God Forgiving. Psalm 91116 ESV 20 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow. This is a complete English translation of the Rig Veda by Griffith published in 1896, Book ten. The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Psalm 4. 6 4There is a river. Divine grace like a smoothly flowing, fertilising, full, and never failing river, yields refreshment and consolation to believers. This is the river of the water of life, of which the church above as well as the church below partakes evermore. It is no boisterous ocean, but a placid stream, it is not stayed in its course by earthquakes or crumbling mountains, it follows its serene course without disturbance. Happy are they who know from their own experience that there is such a river of God. The streams whereof in their various influences, for they are many, shall make glad the city of God, by assuring the citizens that Zions Lord will unfailingly supply all their needs. Ultraiso Full Version Windows 7 64 Bit. The streams are not transient like Cherith, nor muddy like the Nile, nor furious like Kishon, nor treacherous like Jobs deceitful brooks, neither are their waters naught like those of Jericho, they are clear, cool, fresh, abundant, and gladdening. The great fear of an Eastern city in time of war was lest the water supply should be cut off during a siege if that were secured the city could hold out against attacks for an indefinite period. In this verse, Jerusalem, which represents the church of God, is described as well supplied with water, to set forth the fact, that in seasons of trial all sufficient grace will be given to enable us to endure unto the end. The church is like a well ordered city, surrounded with mighty walls of truth and justice, garrisoned by omnipotence, fairly built and adorned by infinite wisdom its burgesses the saints enjoy high privileges they trade with far off lands, they live in the smile of the King and as a great river is the very making and mainstay of a town, so is the broad river of everlasting love and grace their joy and bliss. The church is peculiarly the City of God, of his designing, building, election, purchasing and indwelling. It is dedicated to his praise, and glorified by his presence.

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