Christian Standard Bible Second Edition


Two Minute Apologetics. Bible Christian Society. Below are some quick answers to frequently asked questions FAQs that Catholics get. What does the word apologetics mean Are there any basic rules for doing apologetics Anything else we need to know about apologetics before we start engaging in it As Catholics, do we have to accept everything the Church teachesChristian Standard Bible Second EditionI had a friend ask me why Catholics have Crucifixes in our churches. Jesus has risen Why do we keep Him on the cross I had a theology professor who told me that Adam and Eve were just myths, and that the rest of Genesis was all just legends. Church teaches A friend of mine said that his church takes the Bible literally, but that the Catholic Church doesnt. How should I respond to someone who asks me if Ive been saved, or born again I have a friend who says that Baptism is a symbolic act and that it has nothing to do with salvation. I answer them Why do Catholics confess their sins to a priest, rather than going directly to God A friend of mine has been reading the Left Behind books that have all of this stuff about the Rapture in them. Rapture like these books talk aboutThe Bible clearly says that Jesus had brothers and sisters, but the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was a perpetual virgin. My Protestant friends say that their church goes by the Bible Alone, but that the Catholic Church has added a lot of man made traditions to the Word of God. In 1 Timothy it says that Jesus is our sole mediator, yet we pray to Mary and the Saints. Is that going against the Bible The Bible says to call no man Father, so why do we call our priests Father Why do Catholics call Mary the Queen of Heaven Doesnt God rebuke the Israelites in the O. T. for worshipping a false goddess called the Queen of Heaven Should we not refer to Mary with that title, therefore, since it is the title of a false goddessThis article is from Hank Hanegraaff, The Complete Bible Answer BookCollectors Edition Nashville Thomas Nelson, 2008. Author One day in about the year 95 A. D., a man named John had a vision from heaven. The book of Revelation is Johns record of that vision Revelation 1911. Information on Bible translations, the King James Version and modern Bible translations. In Romans, chapter 3, it says that none is righteous and that all have sinned, but the Catholic Church teaches that Mary is without sin. Romans chapter 3 Why do Protestants not believe John 6 when it says that Jesus flesh is real food and that His blood is real drink Many Protestants believe we are saved by Faith Alone and they say Catholic believe they can work their way into Heaven. How do you answer that How do I respond to someone who believes that only the chosen ones are savedEditors Foreword. The form and nature of this edition of the Holy Bible have been determined by two of the principal dangers facing the Christian religion today. The Bible from Koine Greek, t bibla, the books is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures that Jews and Christians consider to be a. This person is a Calvinist. I realize there is the whole free will issue but I am curious as to the best way to respond to this person A Baptist friend of mine asked me where in the Bible does it use the word Pope or say anything about the Pope I was talking with an Evangelical co worker and he said the Bible teaches that once we are saved, we can never lose our salvation. Is that true I need some help. Sometimes when I share my Catholic faith with people, they mention to me that Catholics like to drink alcohol and how wrong that is. How do I respond to this I heard criticism about the luxuriousness of the Vatican and St. Peters, while there are so many poor people. Where did the money come from to build these things How much of parish money goes to the Pope Can you please give me some defense of this line of questioning I was in a religious discussion today and was asked why our commandments are different than the Protestant version. Can you help Im a Born Again Christian and I was wondering why the Catholic Church doesnt do the altar call to have people accept the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior since it says that you must make this declaration to be Born Again How do I answer my father in law a Methodist when he says he read the Catechism and it says that only those belonging to The Church will achieve salvation. What is this about the brothers of Jesus in the Bible Did Mary have other children besides JesusIm reading a book that refers to the Catholic Church as being the harlot of Babylon as found in Revelation chapters 1. How would you respond to that Catholics say that faith and works are necessary for salvation and that one has to be baptized in order to be saved yet, the Good Thief did no works and was not baptized, and still Jesus told him he would be in paradise. Doesnt this prove Catholic teaching is false I have a question for you that my son asked. In the Creed we read He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead. His question is At what time does this judging occurChristian Standard Bible Second EditionTHE HOLY BIBLE Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition Text Only. Footnotes and Annotations Omitted. Two Minute Apologetics. Below are some quick answers to frequently asked questions FAQs that Catholics get. What does the word apologetics meanDirectly after death or at a later time Is there a scriptural reference that I can point to as justification for Catholics referring to Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant I have an Evangelical friend at work who claims that the Catholic belief in Purgatory is not scriptural. What should I say to himMy brother in law lives in up state New York. His parish priest conducts general confessions and gives general absolution. Now my brother in law believes that he no one needs to go to private confession. Is this true Please help me to respond to this. I was taught from other Christian churches that baptism must be by immersion, but the Catholics sprinkle. I see nowhere in the Bible that I can find where it specifically states there is a certain way to be baptized, just that is says by water. Can you tell me if there is any material on the matter or is that an open to interpretation thing We are homeschoolers who have a very good friend whos a Bible Only Christian. I try my best to be polite, explaining the best I can about what Catholic Christians believe. During Lent, I took her to the Stations of the Cross at our parish, since her church didnt do much before Easter. She seemed to enjoy it, even kneeling at the appropriate times after several stations. However, when we got in the car, she questioned me on Veronica saying she is not in the Bible and so on. How should I respond about Veronica I am a convert of 1. Im comfortable with Sacred ScriptureTradition, but our friend was really bothered by the fact that there is no Biblical evidence for Station 6. I have your CD, Apologetics for the Scripturally Challenged, and I really liked the Twelve Questions for Protestants at the end of it. Do you have any more questions along those same lines Where in the Bible does it say anything about the Mass and the notion of it being a sacrifice Where in the Bible does it say anything about the Mass and the notion of it being a sacrifice Contd from last week. I am active in many groupsteams that are made up of various faith based beliefs. Activities include faith based programs and services such as KAIROS prison ministry. Acer Epower Management Deutsch. At some of these a communion service is offered. I have been told that communion by someone other then an ordained priest, from the lineage of Peter, is not communion and there is no problem. It is just a symbol and not a real communion. What is the ruling on taking communion at these services Jesus said No one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit John 3 3 5. I have seen a good number of non Christians living a righteous life. Will they not enter the Kingdom of GodWhere in the Bible does it say anything about priestly celibacy I have a friend who says that the Catholic Church is going contrary to the Bible by requiring celibacy for its priests. I have an Evangelical friend at work who claims that the Catholic belief in Purgatory is not scriptural.

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